Our goal is to be the premiere economic development agency in the State of Minnesota.
At its very core, our mission is to help spur job creation in our community. To accomplish this goal the Hutchinson Economic Development Authority is engaged in a number of activities:
Business Retention & Expansion – It is our belief that Hutchinson’s best source of economic growth & development is our existing companies. Consequently, we visit our local companies on a regular basis to build & maintain strong relationships with them. During these visits our main goal is to identify ways that we can help our local companies be successful and grow.
Talent Development – To help provide the talent industry needs, the Hutchinson EDA partners with the local school district, Ridgewater College and local companies to implement TIGERPATH, a new national model for developing the skilled workforce our economy needs. Please visit the TigerPath tab to learn more.
Downtown Development – A strong downtown is the key to a strong community. A lot of our efforts are therefore geared towards maintaining and strengthening Main Street Hutchinson. The “Downtown Revitalization Master Plan,” along with our downtown loan & forgivable loan programs, provide strong catalysts for private development. Projects like the State Theater, Jorgenson Hotel, the Streetscape, the Liquor Hutch expansion & Cornerstone Commons all play a role in keeping our downtown thriving!
Industrial Park Development – To promote the continued economic growth of the city, the Hutchinson EDA works to ensure that we have industrial park & building space readily available. Our goal is to have, on-hand, exactly what companies are looking for so that we can provide the solutions they are looking for today.
Business Recruitment – The Hutchinson EDA researches and actively recruits new companies to come to Hutchinson. In addition, we provide technical and financial assistance for new companies just getting started.
Financial Assistance – Financing is the single most important ingredient of economic development. The Hutchinson EDA operates two forgivable loan programs and two revolving loan funds having more than $2.5 million in assets to provide “gap” financing for qualified business projects. In addition, we can pull together a multitude of other financial resources to help make projects happen.
Technical Assistance – The Hutchinson EDA is the first point of contact for all local, regional, State & Federal business resources and information. We assist with everything from helping entrepreneurs formulate & refine their initial business plans to project financing, location assistance, labor resources, demographics and so forth. If there is a way we can help, we’ll do it!
This web site is intended to be the ultimate “one-stop-shop” for businesses and individuals seeking information about economic development opportunities in the City of Hutchinson.
Board of Directors
The EDA Board meets at 11:30 am on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Hutchinson Enterprise Center and meetings are open to the public. The EDA Board consists of seven commissioners, two of whom must be members of the City Council and five who are members of the community. Appointments to the EDA are made by the Mayor and approved by the City Council and board members serve staggered six-year terms. The EDA works to promote the continued growth and development of the community of Hutchinson, in partnership with the City and the Chamber of Commerce.
EDA Board of Directors
Mike McGraw
State Farm Insurance
Jonny Block
Mike Cannon
Citizens Bank
Jack Daggett
Pride Solutions
Corey Stearns
Stearnswood, Inc.
Pat May
Council Representative
Chad Czmowski
Treasurer / Council Rep.
Outdoor Motion
Jeremy Carter
Hutchinson Utilities Commission
Note 1: EDA Board terms conclude on December 31st of the year indicated.
Note 2: City Council representatives are designated every two years when the City Council reorganizes.
EDA Finance Team
The Finance Team reviews all financial matters for the Hutchinson EDA – including loan oversight, operating budgets and project financing. Meetings take place at 11:30 am on the third Wednesday of each month at City Center.
Mike Cannon
Chair / EDA Liaison
Citizens Bank & Trust
Anthony Hanson
Citizens Bank & Trust
Josh Laffen
Corey Stearns
Scott Ziegler
Piehl, Hanson, Beckman, P.A.
Jack Daggett
EDA Liaison
Pride Solutions, Inc.
Josh Karg
Heartland Ag Systems
Dan Mahon
Mahon-McGraw Law
Eric Lipke
Note: Two EDA Board members serve as liaisons with the EDA Finance Team.